Sunday, July 4, 2010


School has ended for another year, and summer has begun.  I've spent several days trying not to work my brain too hard, and the weather has been conducive to knitting, and occasionally to gardening, so we're off to a good start.

I have been working hard on my cardigan for the last few days and feel like I'm making good progress.  This evening I joined the sleeves to the body to begin the yoke, so the end is in sight now.  I'm still hoping to be finished in time to wear this in the San Francisco fogs, so I have about 10 days!

We bought a new camera the other day, and we are very pleased with it so far.  This picture doesn't do the camera justice.  It turns out that the camera doesn't talk to iPhoto very well without its own software interceding, but it's too late in the evening for me to fiddle around with that, so you'll have to take my word for it that this picture looks a lot better on the camera!  It does show you a cardigan yoke in progress, though, which will do for now.  Now just one more row before bed time!

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