Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday Again

It has been a challenging week, and I haven't felt very chatty.  First, our cat, Mookie (he's the one in front), spent three days at the vet's last weekend because of a urinary blockage, and he isn't quite back to normal yet.  Then, it's been rather exhausting at work this past week, and our car broke down yesterday to further complicate things.  Hopefully that will be it for now!

On a brighter note, I saw daffodil buds getting ready to open yesterday, and I've been enjoying the new socks that Dave made for me.  They're even brighter and "cheerfuller" in person!  They're perfect identical twins, which is always fun with self-striping yarn.

I haven't been doing much knitting this week, but I am working slowly on the second Monkey sock, and I've decided to get back to my Hempton pullover so that I can wear it soon, with spring on its way.


  1. Just discovered your site Myriam. It looks great. I love Dave's socks. I hope Mookie is on the mend.

  2. How cool, Annemarie, you're my first commenter! How did you find me?
